Good evening, Whitehead families! Check out what's happening at Whitehead:
PTO Meeting tomorrow at 6:00pm in the Teacher's Lounge. Please enter through Door A. Please join us in making Whitehead the best elementary school in Rockford!
Whitehead families, November 6th is fall picture retake day. If you did not get your picture taken this year, or you would like a retake, please make to attend retakes. Uniforms ARE required.
All RPS 205 schools and offices are closed today in observance of the holiday.
Whitehead families, there is no school tomorrow, November 5th in observance of Election Day. Get out there and vote!
Good evening, Whitehead families! Don't forget tomorrow, Monday, November 4th is Pajama Day!
Good evening, Whitehead families! Check out what's happening at Whitehead:
Earlier today, Whitehead Elementary held a spirit day instead of a traditional Halloween celebration. Principal Randall & Assistant Principal Skaggs dressed as Gru & Bob from the Minion movies & asked all students & staff to join the fun by wearing yellow shirts & blue pants. Students were given paper minion goggles. After dismissal, the staff continued the mission & started building community with their neighbors next door at Flinn Middle School. They were able to pull off a sneak attack on Principal Schrank with the help from an ally inside.
Whitehead families, join us for Parent Teacher conferences on November 7th or November 12th from 2:30-5:30. Please make sure you have signed up with your child's teacher! Our goal is 100% attendance!
Good evening, Whitehead families! Just a friendly reminder that with the holidays approaching, no child may bring in outside treats unless their teacher has directed them to bring in something specific. We have many life threatening allergies and want to make sure everyone can enjoy the fun!
Good evening, Whitehead families! Don't forget this Thursday is Spirit Day! Come dressed as a minion in a yellow shirt and blue bottoms! If you choose not to participate, please wear your normal uniform.
Good evening, Whitehead families! Check out what's happening at Whitehead:
Principal Appreciation Day: This annual recognition was first approved by Illinois' Governor in 1990. We took pictures of our principals at our 41 schools & asked students to draw them for us. Here are some of their works of art. Thank you all RPS 205 Principals!
Good evening, Whitehead families! Check out what's happening at Whitehead:
Don't forget to join us tonight at 7:00pm for IceHogs Night sponsored by House Isibindi!
Whitehead families, correction, tomorrow is indeed not the 24th! Please join us next Thursday, the 24th for Skate Night!
Whitehead families, join us tomorrow, October 24th at Skateland for a night of skating! Come dressed in your favorite, school appropriate, costume (no weapons) and have some fun with the Whitehead staff!
Whitehead families, join us on October 17th for a night of safety! Frank Ingardona from the Winnebago County Sheriff's Office will be at Flinn to teach us how to stay safe in our community. Join us at 6:00pm in Flinn's auditorium for a great night of S.A.F.E. training!
Whitehead families, join us on October 17th for a night of safety! Frank Ingardona from the Winnebago County Sheriff's Office will be at Flinn to teach us how to stay safe in our community. Join us at 6:00pm in Flinn's auditorium for a great night of S.A.F.E. training!
Have a great day!
Whitehead families, there is no school tomorrow, October 11th due to Teacher Institute Day. Have a great long weekend!